Miss E.C. Ricketts(1829-1908)1 March 1861
George Ricketts, Esq.(1827-1914)
Mrs John Holdsworth(1831-1884)4 July 1862
William Bracken(1809-1891)7 March 1861
Mrs Eleanor Michell(1811-1890)2 July 1863
Richard Michell(1812-1899)2 July 1863
Miss Emma Rothery(1814-1891)17 April 1861
William Rothery'Reproduction by order of Miss Emma Rothery'
Master Belloc5 March 1861
Henry Tudor Davies(1816-1863)16 May 1861
J. H. Barnes, Esq.(1833-1889)16 March 1861
Madame Le Caux(1790-1867)17 April 1861
An unidentified sitter
Mrs George Odling(1801-1884)
Miss Simpson12 March 1861
Another portrait of the same sitter31 January 1861