Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Henry E. Luxmoore
16 August 1862

Volume 9, page 79, sitting number 11,313.

[The sitter is identified as 'Henry E. Luxmore' in the Silvy daybooks.]

Born at Barnstable in Devon in 1841, the second son of Reverend Henry Luxmoore, Vicar of Barnstable, Henry Elford Luxmoore graduated from Pembroke College, Oxford (BA, 1864; MA, 1867) and became a schoolmaster at Eton College. From 1864 to 1904 he was the school's Assistant Master.

In 1908 he published Eton from a Backwater, a set of twelve colour plates in a folder. This was reviewed at some length in the Morning Post (4 February 1909). 'Old Etonians who love their School and are interested in seeing familiar places in a new light should lose no time in becoming acquainted with these delicate drawings. It is seldom that an amateur, in this day of technique, is bold enough to publish his work, and seldomer that it is justified by success, as in the present instance; for Mr Luxmoore's work has a quality of its own which takes it out of the class of amateur work, and makes one wish that it had been possible for him to give to art more than the leisure of a busy life. [...] Mr Luxmoore has a style of his own, neither borrowed by imitation nor caught by reflection from any other artist. Many dabblers can produce pretty sketches that give an impression without the labour of detailed study; but here were have careful drawing, based upon intimate knowledge of the place, and harmony produced by the knowledge of detail which only comes from laborious study.'

He also published some pamphlets on English manners under the Tudors and Stuarts. 

He appears on the 1911 census, a 'retired schoolmaster' living at Eton with his widowed sister Mary Sophia Evans and her daughter. 

Henry Elford Luxmoore never married. He died, aged 85, on 11 November 1926 at Baldwin's End, Eton, Buckinghamshire. He left an estate valued at £37,207.

code: cs1459
Henry Elford Luxmoore, Henry Luxmoore, Luxmoore, Eton, Eton College, Eton from a Backwater, Camille Silvy, Silvy