Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Lady Codrington
4 September 1861

Volume 5, page 37, sitting number 5652.

[Identified only as 'Lady Codrington' in the Silvy daybooks, the next entry shows the same sitter with her son, identified as 'Master Alfred' Codrington.]

Lady Mary Codrington was the wife of General Sir William John Codrington (1804-1884). From 1859 to 1865, her husband was Governor of Gibraltar. From 1856 to 1885 Lady Codrington was a Bedchamber Woman to the Queen.

[See page 117 of this section for a longer biography and the portrait of Lady Codrington with her son.]


code: cs0579
Lady Codrington, Codrington, Lady Mary Codrington, Camille Silvy, Silvy