Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Mrs H.B. Tristram 
30 July 1862

Volume 9, page 5, sitting number 11,017. 

[The following sitting in the daybooks is her husband, identified as ‘Rev. H.B. Tristram.’]

Born on 10 March 1821, Eleanor Mary Bowlby was the daughter of Captain Peter Bowlby, ‘an officer who fought in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo’ (Gloucestershire Echo, 9 March 1906). 

In early February 1850 at Cheltenham she married Reverend Henry Baker Tristram, ‘M.A., of Lincoln College, Oxford, incumbent of Castle Eden, Durham’ (The Globe, 9 February 1850). 

According to Reverend Tristram’s obituary, ‘he accepted in 1849 the rectory of Castle Eden, Durham, but was obliged a few years later to go abroad again owing to weak health. During this period he made excursions from Algiers into the Northern Sahara and researches beyond the range of the Atlas Mountains. He visited Palestine during the third year of this absence. From 1860 to 1873 he was Master of Greatham Hospital, and in the latter year was appointed to a residentiary canonry in Durham Cathedral. He was offered, in 1879, by the Earl of Beaconsfield, the position of Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem, but declined it. Four years later he explored little-visited districts in Japan’ (Gloucestershire Echo, 9 March 1906).

Mrs Tristram died on 8 March 1903 at the College, Durham.

‘Probate of the will of Mrs Eleanor Mary Tristram, of the College, Durham, who died on March 8th last, daughter of the late Captain P. Bowlby, of the 4th King’s Own Regiment, and wife of the Rev. Henry Baker Tristram, Canon of Durham, has been granted to her son, Mr Henry Barrington Tristram, of Musselborough, N.B., and her daughter, Miss Charlotte Eliza Tristram, by whom her estate has been valued at £529 0s 5d gross’ (Sunderland and Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette, 23 June 1903). 

code: cs1881
Eleanor Mary Bowlby, Eleanor Mary Tristram, Henry Baker Tristram, Mrs Eleanor Tristram, Tristram, Camille Silvy, Silvy