Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Major Bredin
21 September 1861

Volume 5, page 78, sitting number 5814.

Identified in the Silvy daybooks as Major Bredin of the Royal Artillery, this is Major Edgar Grantham Bredin of the Royal Artillery (15th Brigade). He was the son of Major-General Andrew Bredin, also of the Royal Artillery, who died on 28 October 1845 at Fox Hill, Plumpstead Common. 

On 15 November 1864 at St John's Church at Ryde on the Isle of Wight he married Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Robert Bruce Chichester and widow of Francis Edward Colegrave. According to a 'Return of an Officer's Marriage' which he made at Barbados on 8 February 1865 and now in the archives at Kew, Bredin was thirty-five at the time of his marriage, so he was born in or about 1829. 

Lieutenant-Colonel Edgar Grantham Bredin of the Royal Artillery died at Mauritius on 30 April 1873. He left effects valued at £450. 

code: cs0478
Edgar Grantham Bredin, Edgar Bredin, Major Bredin, Bredin, Camille Silvy, Silvy