Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Mrs Merriman
26 October 1861

Volume 5, page 181, sitting number 6220. 

[Identified in the Silvy daybooks as 'Mrs Merriman,' this is probably the wife of the surgeon and general practitioner John Merriman of Kensington.]

Born Caroline Jones, daughter of John Jones, at Ross in Herefordshire on 1 January 1800, she married John Merriman on 3 August 1826 at St John the Baptist in Gloucester. The marriage produced at least nine children.

She appears on the 1861 census living with her husband, two of their sons, and four servants at 45 Kensington Square in London.

Mrs Caroline Merriman died, aged 70, on 24 November 1870 at Bournemouth in Dorest. She was buried in Brompton Cemetery. 

code: cs1140
Mrs Merriman, Merriman, Caroline Jones, Caroline Merriman, Camille Silvy, Silvy