Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Lieutenant-Colonel John Singleton
27 October 1862

Volume 9, page 287, sitting number 12,143.

[The Silvy daybooks show a variant pose in which Singleton is seated astride the chair.]

Major John Singleton was an officer of the Royal Artillery.

According to Hart's Army List (1860): 'Major Singleton served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affairs of Bulganac and M'Kenzie's Farm, the battles of Alma, Balaklava and Inkerman, the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and repulse of the sortie on the 26th October 1854 (Medal and Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honour, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). Served in India in 1858, and commanded the Artillery in the repulse of the mutinous Sepoys at Mooltan on 31st March.'

John Singleton eventually rose to the rank of Major-General in the service of the Royal Artillery.

In 1856 he married Catherine Marianne Barry, daughter of Major-General Philip Barry. He died without issue.

A short announcement of his death appeared in The Star (14 August 1880). Major-General John Singleton, 'late of the Royal Artillery,' died, aged 55, on 4 August 1880 at Quinville Abbey, Quin, Co Clare in Ireland. He left effects valued at under £4000. 


code: cs0479
Lieutenant-Colonel John Singleton, John Singleton. Singleton, Camille Silvy, Silvy