Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Captain Edward Archibald Collins
9 August 1862

Volume 9, page 52, sitting number 11,207.

Captain Edward Archibald Collins was an officer of the 26th (The Cameronians) Foot. 

Born in 1831, he was the second son of William Collins, Esq., of Knaresborough. He joined the 26th (The Cameronians) Regiment of Foot in 1854.

On 16 December 1875 at St Mary's Church in Glasgow Major Edward Archibald Collins of the 26th Cameronians married Jane, daughter of J. Heywood Collins, Esq. of Kilvindale near Glasgow (Knaresborough Post, 25 December 1875).

Major-General Edward Archibald Collins died at Cowling Hall near Bedale on 22 June 1909. According to his obituary in the Hampshire Chronicle (26 June 1909), 'he took part in the Abyssinian campaign of 1868, for which he received the medal. He served altogether with his regiment for 29 years, and, after commanding it, was appointed to the 26th Regimental District, with headquarters at Hamilton, from which he retired in 1887 with the honorary rank of major-general. He married in 1875, the daughter of Mr J. H. Collins, of Kelvindale, Lanarkshire, who, together with a son, survives him.'

code: cs0471
Edward Archibald Collins, The Cameronians, Camille Silvy, Silvy