Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Mrs Robert Peck
28 July 1862

Volume 8,  page 331, sitting number 10,946. 

[The sitter is identified only as ‘Mrs Peck’ in the Silvy daybooks but the preceding entry is her sister, identified more fully as ‘Mrs Thomas Holman.’]

Born in Folkestone in 1799, Sarah Minter was the daughter of merchant John Minter and his wife Anne née Robinson.

On 3 July 1819 at Folkestone ‘Miss Sarah Minter, of Folkestone’ married ‘ Mr Robert James Peck, surgeon of New-market’ (Kentish Weekly Post, 6 July 1819). Their marriage produced at least four children. 

The family appear on the 1841 census living at St Mary Newmarket in Suffolk. Robert gave ‘surgeon’ as his profession. The household included four children and three servants. 

Robert James Peck died, aged 59, at Newmarket on 2 November 1848. 

Sarah Peck appears on the 1861 census, a widow living in Upper Sandgate Road in Folkestone with her sister Anne, also a widow. Their sister Mary Hobday, another widow, was living in the house next door, and the next house in the street was occuped by Mrs Peck's son, John William Peck, a solicitor, and his family.

Mrs Sarah Peck died, aged 75, in Folkestone on 1 April 1874. Her estate was valued at £9000.

‘PECK — On the 1st inst., at Pembury Villa, Folkestone, Sarah, relict of the late Robert James Peck, Esq.’ (The Globe, 4 April 1874). 


code: cs2047
Sarah Minter, John Minter, Sarah Peck, Robert James Peck, Folkestone, Camille Silvy, Silvy