Paul Frecker
Fine Photographs

Mrs James Carson
21 May 1863

Volume 10, page 235, sitting number 13,307. 

Mrs Sarah Marriott Carson appears on the 1861 census, living at Spinfield in Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire. She was 38 at the time of the census, so was born in or about 1823. She gave 'Castle Perkins, Jamaica' as her place of birth.

Mrs Carson died, aged 78, on 10 August 1899. The following obituary appeared in the Bucks Herald (19 August 1899): 'We regret to have to announce the death of a formerly well-known and influential resident of Marlow - Mrs James Simpson Carson, late of Spinfield, who died on Thursday, Aug. 10, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Revett, 99, Cromwell-road, Hove, Brighton. The deceased lady was the daughter of the late Mr Benjamin Marriott Perkins, of Shortwood, Jamaica. In 1840 she married Mr Jas. Carson, the nephew of Mr James Simpson, of Spinfield, who was appointed the manager of his uncle's extensive estates, Albion and Constance Springs, Jamaica, where the finest sugar and its productions were grown and manufactured with the most up-to-date machinery and the most modern principles. [...] Mr James Simpson died in 1851, bequeathing his valuable estates in the West Indies and his residence and estate, Spinfield, to his nephew, who thereupon added Simpson to his name. [...] In May, 1872, Mr J. S. Carson died, and Mrs Carson, after continuing her residence at Spinfield for a few years, sold the estate to Mr R. Hay Murray, who has since lived there. Mrs Carson and her family went to reside at Richmond, occasionally paying visits to her married children.'

code: cs1892
Mrs Sarah Marriott Carson, Sarah Marriott Carson, Mrs Sarah Carson, Sarah Marriott Perkins, Carson, Camille Silvy, Silvy